The early history of this castle indicated that it was site of many executions – and also torture – so much so that there’s an actual Torture Museum at the castle today where visitors can see tools of that torment.
The Burghausen Castle is perched on a hill that has been an archaeological hub. It was discovered through several modern excavations that it was settled in prehistoric times and had been home to human settlements since the Bronze Age.
The Burghausen Castle was also used during the Napoleonic Wars of 1803-1815. Napoleon used the strategic position of the castle in his campaign against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, it was actually during the French occupation (circa 1800) when parts of the castle’s architecture were torn down.
Napoleon l actually declared the castle outmoded in 1809 and it underwent many reconstructions after that. During and after that time, the castle housed troops (around 100,000 and their horses while the pontoon bridge was built) for many decades until the garrison was finally dissolved in 1891.